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Susan Adams-Johnson, soprano

Artistic Director

Susan Adams-Johnson is a spinto soprano and has performed in numerous Oratorio Concerts at Westminster Abbey, York Minster Abbey, Chester Cathedral, and Saint Peter’s Church in Bermuda. She has performed opera and operetta roles throughout the Southwest.  She has had church music roles that include soloist positions and music director postions.

Ms. Adams-Johnson is the co-artistic and managing director of Scissortail Productions Inc.  She has served in similar positions for other non-profit music and theater organizations over the last 15 years in Oklahoma and Texas. Concurrent with her positions in art administration, she has had held artistic and educational positions in higher education, elementary and junior high education. These responsibilities have included professor of voice, artistic director of musical theatre and opera, and interdisciplinary seminars in art history, film history, music and theater history.

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She has taught Pre-K through eighth grade general music and worked with junior high theater and music theater productions and opera summer camps. She has presented at workshops for autistic children and the fine arts, auditions, and stage movement. Administrative responsibilities through her career have included budget creation and implementation; grant writing, supervision of opera, music theater, and music education programs, project management, community relations, and marketing/public relations.  

In addition to her duties with Scissortail Productions Inc, Susan is deeply involved with research that studies collegiate recruitment. She has presented at conferences and workshops as well as lecture series on college campuses. Current research studies include high school counselors’ knowledge of dual admissions for fine arts majors, understanding of cultural capital in general education courses in higher education, and parental awareness of the admissions process for fine arts majors.

She holds a Ph,D. in Fine Arts and Higher Education Administration from the University of Oklahoma.

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